Friday 6 April 2012


Okay so as I have been brought up I have always been told that I should have respect for everyone, not just my Elders. hahaha lol at the fact I put Elders in capitals. Anyway, lately I have been noticing the lack of respect people have for others around them. I volunteer for a charity and ever since I've been a young person for them we have always been told to respect our boats because they're ours are we want them to look nice. In addition, to always be well behaved when we are out, such as no swearing or cussing, no arguments or fights, simple things really, when we are out as we are representing our charity and we always want to look good :) Over these past few months I have seen this slip, not only within our charity, but others as well.
In our area lately, a building got refurbished for the young people in our community. So far it hasn't been that bad of a turn out but today when I went to work in there the place was a state! the chairs were ripped and drawn all over, the young people had taken the food that we had and smashed them all over the floor; t was a disgrace. The thing is though it isn't all the young people's fault. Yes they are responsible for what they do but a lot of it is through sheer boredom. After analysing the situation today I noticed that the younger ones get all the activities (even they were hard today) yet the older ones just get left. I suggested some ideas but someone their age said that they wanted to just chill; i felt old. I talked to the youth workers and asked them why they didn't make the young people clean up, to which one replied: 'try making them, and they will' I as outraged by this. I made some people help me, but they put on a front at first. It feels so weird to think what the young people must be thinking! but I am working again on Tuesday so we shall see what plans I can come up with then! :)

But ahhhhh only 20 days to go! Then I get to see what the youth are like in Zambia! ahh! :D

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