Saturday 14 January 2012


I am so lucky to have amazing people in my life right now. When I'm feelig sick or down they're always there to cheer me up :) It's amazing the stories you hear from people about their life and how many barriers they have had to face. It makes me so grateful and thankful for the life I have had. Without the people in my life today I wouldnt be the person I am. Every person I come into contact with has an impact. Im grateful that I am able to talk to more people and get to really know them. my blogs havent really been that good lately as I dont really know what to say. I've actually achieved some of my goals! this makes me very happy :) I find it amazing how many people want to actually help me achieve my goals. 2012 is going to be a year of goal achieving. I've spent a lot of time this year on certain people and its kinda making me think twice about things. There's only so mant times i can put my heart on the line and my trust in people before its completely destroyed. For me to say those things to that person means a lot. It never used to but now i've seen things from a different light, I know who i want to be. So this year is a year of achieving goals. If extra things come into it then it would be perfect :)

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