Monday 16 January 2012

So Happy

I love how in life the smallest things can make me happy. I watch shows and people get upset over not getting a car, or the right diamond. Right now I got really happy over someone referring to me by name and asking how I was. Okay it has a bit to do with the person, but also a lot to do with the gesture. I love that I can do this and I love that a lot of new people have come into my life but I a also so happy for the fact I still have Becky. Becky is amazing and I love her with all my heart. She knows me so well and she's always there no matter what. When I'm sad or ill she's always asking!
I'm grateful for her a lot recently because she's made me realise a lot of things. Like with my decision to stop going college, she told me that it isn't everyone choice and it's okay to do different things. And it is. Like, in life so many people are scared of trying new things, and you know what, its opportunities like that, that really test us and guides us in a direction. I love my life right now and I love the people in it

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